Issue No. 2 ā€” Sunday, 3 July, 2022 By Jill Metcalfe



šŸ™„Ā Some people

Iā€™m writing this as I drink coffee in the lobby of my little hotel in Bristol. Iā€™m back in the UK for the first time in over 3 years.

The only other person in the room is eating his black pudding and grilled tomatoes on toast while watching what sounds like a violent thriller on his iPad.

I switch to WhatsApp and start venting my frustration in the family group chat.

Hasnā€™t he heard of earphones? Doesnā€™t he realise heā€™s not the only person in the room? What could possibly be going through his head?

ā€œUgh, some people,ā€ my daughter commiserates.

We exchange eye-roll emojis and I go back to pretending to work, while trying to block out the sounds of wet thwacking noises and terrified screams.

A couple of minutes later ā€“ ā€œExcuse me?ā€

Itā€™s him. ā€œIs this too loud? Do you want me to turn it down?ā€

Me: ā€œNo, no! Donā€™t worry, itā€™s absolutely fine!ā€

Some people. šŸ™„

Photo of Bristol by Marcus Loke on Unsplash

Photo of Bristol by Marcus Loke on Unsplash

What Iā€™ve been up to this week

<aside> šŸ“– B O O K S


The Colour of Magic ā€“ Terry Pratchett

Iā€™ve been reading sci-fi and fantasy since the age of 7 but never read any Terry Pratchett. I fixed that this week.

The Colour of Magic is the first book in the Discworld saga. Itā€™s a comfortable and easy read and, for me, comes with a heavy dose of nostalgia.

Many of the characters could have come out of the 1970s British TV sitcoms I grew up watching.

But there are just two female characters, and neither of them wear any clothes to speak of. Both are lascivious temptresses. Another eye-roll incoming. šŸ™„

But it wonā€™t stop me reading more.


Building a Second Brain ā€“ Tiago Forte

I held out for a few days but eventually cracked and bought this book on Kindle, after hearing Tiago say it contained everything he teaches in his course.

No earth-shattering revelations so far, but Iā€™m enjoying thinking about the concept of ā€œintermediate packetsā€, which are basically reusable assets or modules of work.

Read more about IPs in Ramses Oudtā€™s blog.


The God is Not Willing ā€“ Steven Erikson

Up next.

Iā€™m ready for something to really get my teeth into. Steven Eriksonā€™s Malazan Book of the Fallen series was the most challenging fantasy saga Iā€™ve ever read, but probably also the most rewarding.

This is the first book in a new series called Witness, and itā€™s set in the same universe.

Canā€™t wait to get started.


<aside> šŸ› ļø T H I N G S I ā€˜ V E M A D E

<aside> šŸŽ“ C O U R S E S I ā€˜ M T A K I N G

<aside> šŸŖ” M O V I N G T H E N E E D L E

Not much needle-moving has occurred in the last month or more and Iā€™m starting to get annoyed with myself.

Justin Welsh pinpointed the problem in his most recent newsletter.

Challenge 1: Context switching: being distracted continuously by little emails, DMs, etc. that end up taking you out of your creative or business flow state and waste tons of time. Challenge 2: Wrong focus:Ā spending time doing things that feel productive but are actually part of the 80% of things that donā€™t move the needle. Challenge 3: Burnout:Ā trying to balance a full-time job, a side hustle, and creating content for social media.

His ā€œsolutionā€ is better productivity systems. But thatā€™s pretty glib.

You can have worldā€™s best system, but unless you know what your goal is, one of those 3 challenges will stick its foot out and trip you up every time.

The real solution is to set a goal and commit to achieving it.

And thatā€™s something I have no idea how to do.


I**ā€™ll close with this tweet from Paul Millerd**, whoā€™s very good at reminding people that itā€™s actually okay to be just okay. You donā€™t have to be great at everything, all the time.

<aside> šŸ–‹ļø If you havenā€™t already subscribed, sign up here to receive more of this nonsense in your inbox every Sunday-ish.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> The Lorgnette is created in Notion by Jill Metcalfe. Come and say hello on Twitter.
